Wherever God has placed you
Wherever God has placed you, at home, in the office, in your social environment, you must perform a certain task - it is not your neighbor's, but yours - and in the plan of God, this is the one that will sanctify you, living fully as a christian. You are irreplaceable where God has placed you, you are responsible for an apostolate that nobody else can do. Do not look for any other field of activity that would not be the right place where you should pursue your sanctification and that of your brethren. Do not quit reality, instead, give your life to Jesus as God has made it. Do not offer him what He does not ask, but learn to distinguish what He expects from your job, your health, your time, your natural temperament. Be satisfied with your tribute no matter how small it is, and also be happy with your insignificant tasks and the offering of sacrifices that carry with them.
Allà on Déu us ha posat, a la vostra llar, a l'oficina, en l'entorn social, heu d'acomplir una tasca determinada - no és la del veí, és la vostra - i en les intencions de Déu, és aquesta la que haureu de santificar, vivint a fons el vostre cristianisme. Sou insubstituïbles allí on Déu us ha posat, sou responsables d'un apostolat que ningú altre pot fer; no busqueu cap més camp d'activitat perquè no seria el lloc on us correspon buscar la vostra santificació i la dels vostres germans. No us sortiu de la realitat, doneu la vostra vida a Jesús tal i com Déu l'ha fet. No li oferiu el que no us demana, ans distingiu el que espera del vostre treball, de la vostra salut, del vostre temps, del vostre temperament natural. Acontenteu-vos amb el vostre homenatge per petit que sigui, amb les vostres tasques aparentment insignificants, i l'oferiment de les mortificacions que porten implícites.
(Georges Chevrot: Simón Pedro, p.200, Patmos)
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