"How far will we I forgive? How much will I tolerate? How far will I sacrifice?". These questions do not make sense for Christians who want to love God as God has loved them. There is enough with our imperfections to put limits on the "good" that we do: the true disciple of Christ does not put limits on the good he wants to do: He wants it completely, always, and with all his heart!
"Fins on perdonaré? ¿Fins on toleraré? ¿Fins on em sacrificaré?". Aquestes preguntes ja no tenen sentint pel cristià que vol estimar Déu com Déu l'ha estimat. Ja n'hi ha prou amb les nostres imperfeccions per posar límits al "bé" que fem: l'autèntic deixeble de Crist no posa límit al bé que vol fer: el vol totalment, sempre, i amb tot el seu cor.
(Simón Pedro, p.163, Patmos)
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