Who can you go to, whoelse can you trust, once you have had Jesus for master?
Whoever truly understood Christ, has taken from his words a light and a strength that he could not give up. Unfortunately, he is not spared of temporary depression, but these will not make him forget his Savior. For the christian who has truly met Christ, the option is presented as St. Peter proposed it: "Lord, who shall we go to?.
We must choose between Jesus or nothingness. If the Gospel is a farce, then nothing is true.
¿ A qui pot anar, de qui altre es pot fiar algú, quan ja ha tingut a Jesús per Mestre ?
El que ha comprès vertaderament a Crist, ha extret de les seves paraules una llum i fortalesa a les que ja no pot renunciar. Desgraciadament, no està a cobert de passatgeres defallences, però aquestes no aconseguiran que oblidi al seu Salvador. Pel cristià que ha conegut veritablement a Crist, l'opció es presenta tal i com ens la proposa San Pere: " Senyor, a qui aniríem?.
Hem d'escollir entre Jesús o el no res. Si l'Evangeli és una farsa, res és veritat.
(Simón Pedro, p.78, Patmos)
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