The fate of Christians, contemplated in its entirety, is the most enviable: nothing lacks to those who deliver themselves completely to the Gospel, because it is Jesus Christ whom they have.
¡Let us repeat the beautiful words of St. Thomas Aquinas, to whom our Lord said, "You have written well of me, Thomas, What reward do you want?." Lord - the saint replied - none other than you! "
La sort del cristià, contemplada tota sencera, és la més envejable: no li manca res a qui ho entrega tot per l'Evangeli, ja que posseeix a Jesucrist.
¡ Repetim les formoses paraules de Sant Tomàs d'Aquino, a qui Nostre Senyor va dir : " Has escrit bé de mi, Tomàs, ¿ Quina recompensa desitges?. "Senyor - va respondre el Sant - cap altra que Tu!"
(Georges Chevrot : Simón Pedro, p.164-176, Patmos)
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