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Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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diumenge, 21 d’abril del 2013

To feel with the Church

   English Thomas neither accepts the testimony of Peter nor that of his brothers: he mistrusts, discusses, insists. He requires being able to judge for himself to be personally convinced. His doubts are an invaluable lesson for us, but for him it was a waste of time: sooner or later he had to undergo Peter's word if he wanted to remain a disciple and apostle of Christ.

So happens in the Church: some advance, some get left behind, only Peter walks to the beat of the Holy Spirit. The Successor of Peter, the man dressed in white, says in a timely manner the necessary words. We must learn to wait that time patienly, but when Peter speaks, unfortunate those who do not want to listen. Subterfuges and evasions, tendentious interpretations:  delays that everybody know which lead outside the Church! We will only "feel with the Church" if we filially listen the Chief God has given it.

If we do not follow Peter we will take the wrong way, but if we do,  we will keep on the path of truth.

   Tomàs no accepta el testimoni de Pere ni el dels seus germans; es malfia, discuteix, s'obstina. Exigeix poder jutjar per sí mateix per convèncer-se personalment. Els seus dubtes són una inestimable lliçó per nosaltres, però per ell va ser una pèrdua de temps; tard o d'hora s'havia de sotmetre al judici de Pere si volia seguir sent deixeble i apòstol de Crist.

Així passa en l'Església: uns s'avancen, altres s'endarrereixen; Pere camina al ritme de l'Esperit Sant. El Successor de Pere, l'home vestit de blanc, diu en el moment oportú les paraules necessàries. Cal saber esperar impacientment aquesta hora; però, quan Pere ha parlat, desgraciat del que no vulgui escoltar-lo. Subterfugis i evasives, interpretacions tendencioses: dilacions per tots conegudes que condueixen fora de l'Església! Només "sentim amb l'Església" escoltant filialment el Cap que Déu li ha donat.

Si ens desviem errarem el camí, seguint-lo anirem sempre pel camí de la veritat.

(Georges Chevrot: Simón Pedro, p.283, Patmos)

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