The experience of life
As we get old, we rectify beliefs and ideas that seemed to be identified with our own being. The reckless become cautious and the shy become bold. The Philanthropist suddenly learns to pray, while the man exclusively devoted to his religious duties increasingly dedicates his life to charitable works. An they all explain their own evolution. "Life is what has changed me." Actually, we were imposed our views from outside, without even realizing it. Life strips us of these strange contributions and raises within us more precise notions of truth. God has arranged everything so that our lives provide us with the means to track it well.
A mesura que avancem en edat, rectifiquem creences i idees que semblaven identificar-se amb el nostre propi ésser. Els temeraris es tornen prudents, i els tímids audaços. El filantrop aprèn un bon dia a resar, mentre que l'home exclusivament fidel als seus deures religiosos s'entrega cada vegada més a les obres de caritat. I tots expliquen igualment la seva evolució . " La vida és el que m'ha canviat". En realitat, les nostres opinions se'ns varen imposar des de fora, sense adonar-nos-en. La vida ens despulla d'aquestes aportacions estranyes i suscita en el nostre interior nocions més exactes de la veritat. Déu ho ha disposat tot per tal que la nostra vida ens proporcioni els mitjans per encarrilar-la bé.
(Georges Chevrot: Simón Pedro, p.24, Patmos)
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