The poor Judas, however, lacked a sincere repentance: what he felt was embarrassment; he lacked a glimmer of hope, a bit of love, or just a race to Jesus, imploring his gaze.
Who knows, christians, if tomorrow we will also surrender? ¡God frees us from making our sins inevitable by doubting his love! But no! We will not fall if we feed our heart with a sincere sorrow for our sins, near Peter, looking at Jesus.
Al pobre Judes, en canvi, li va faltar un penediment sincer: el que ell va sentir era vergonya: li va faltar un bri d'esperança, un xic d'amor: simplement córrer a implorar la mirada de Jesús.
¿Qui sap, cristians, si demà nosaltres també claudicarem? ¡Déu ens lliuri de fer irremeiable el nostre pecat dubtant del seu amor! Però no! no caurem si alimentem en el nostre cor el sincer dolor per les nostres culpes, molt a prop de Pere, mirant a Jesús.
(Georges Chevrot: Simón Pedro, p.272, Patmos)
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