The hand of the Lord
The truth is that very few men can boast to have made of his life a perfect success, since something always is missing in our happiness. We have all been children for whom the tender heart of a mother has dreamed of greatness and holiness. Who, among us, has been true to all the promises of his youth? Who has achieved all the ambitions of his adolescence? But no matter what has become of our desires and disappointments, the only important thing is that we never let go of the hand of the Lord.
La veritat és que pocs homes poden presumir d'haver fet de la seva vida un perfecte èxit, ja que sempre manca quelcom a la nostre felicitat. Tots hem estat l'infant pel qui el cor tendre d'una mare somniava grandesa o santedat. Qui de nosaltres ha estat fidel a totes les promeses de la seva joventut? Qui ha aconseguit totes les ambicions de la seva adolescència? Però, tant se val quins hagin estat els nostres desigs i les nostres decepcions, l'únic important és que no ens haguem deixat de la mà del Senyor.
(Georges Chevrot: Le temps d'Eglise, p.94, Bonne Presse)
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