Uniting Earth and Heaven
We have the task of breaking several dilemmas people often reproach us. It is often heard that it is necessary to choose between earth and heaven, science and faith, freedom and justice, God or the world. However, these terms are not contradictory and we must untangle these artificial contradictions. We have to unite heaven and earth, preparing our world by acclimating heaven to it. We must reconcile science and faith, and put in harmony freedom and justice: we need to give the world back to God, by giving God to the world.
Tenim la tasca de trencar uns quants dilemes que sovint ens retreuen. Sentim dir que cal escollir entre la terra o el cel, la ciència o la fe, la llibertat o la justícia, el món o Déu. Això no obstant, aquests termes no són pas contradictoris i cal que desemmascarem aquestes contradiccions artificials. Hem d'unir la terra i el cel, preparar la terra pel cel aclimatant el cel sobre la terra. Hem de reconciliar la ciència i la fe, i posar en harmonia la llibertat i la justícia: ens cal tornar el món a Déu, donant Déu al món.
(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Eglise, p.37, Bonne Presse)
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