Storm in the lake
There is a storm on the lake and the boat wobbles. The apostles are afraid and fear for his life, and quickly wake Jesus who was peacefully sleeping. Jesus is not disturbed by something that any worries can resolve. He completed his daily task, and now rests with all peace of mind. What should worry him if he is doing the work of his Father? Doesn't his Father look after his children? (...) Jesus silenced the wind and water and then reproaches his friends: "Why did you fear? Is this your faith?" Let us be alert! Fear is inverse to faith. We only tremble when our trust in God is wavering. Let's update that God loves us with the tenderness of a father who watches over us in the most critical situations and then nothing will frighten us. The only misfortune is sin, wrongdoing, beyond that, with Jesus, can't we do anything?
Hi ha tempesta en el llac i la barca trontolla. Els apòstols estan espantats i temen per la seva vida, i s'afanyen a despertar a Jesús que dorm tranquil·lament. Jesús No s'inquieta per quelcom que la inquietud no pot solucionar. Ha acomplert la seva tasca diària i ara descansa tranquil. ¿ Què l'hauria de preocupar si està realitzant l'obra del seu Pare? ¿És que el Pare no vetlla pels seus fills? (...) Jesús fa callar l'aigua i el vent i retreu als seus amics: "¿Per què teniu por? ¿Aquesta és la vostra fe?" Estiguem alerta pel que fa a nosaltres cristians! El temor està en raó inversa de la fe. Només tremolem quan la nostra confiança en Déu flaqueja. Hem d'actualitzar que Déu ens estima amb la tendresa d'un pare, que vetlla per nosaltres en les situacions més critiques, i llavors res ens torbarà. La única desgràcia és el pecat, obrar malament, fora d'això, amb Jesús ¿no serem capaços de qualsevol cosa?
(Georges Chevrot: El Evangelio al aire libre, p.160-164, Palabra)
There is a storm on the lake and the boat wobbles. The apostles are afraid and fear for his life, and quickly wake Jesus who was peacefully sleeping. Jesus is not disturbed by something that any worries can resolve. He completed his daily task, and now rests with all peace of mind. What should worry him if he is doing the work of his Father? Doesn't his Father look after his children? (...) Jesus silenced the wind and water and then reproaches his friends: "Why did you fear? Is this your faith?" Let us be alert! Fear is inverse to faith. We only tremble when our trust in God is wavering. Let's update that God loves us with the tenderness of a father who watches over us in the most critical situations and then nothing will frighten us. The only misfortune is sin, wrongdoing, beyond that, with Jesus, can't we do anything?
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