Associated to his Sacrifice
If the Mass was a simple memorial, could we be certain that that Jesus had taken us in the act of his Sacrifice ? If Calvary only belonged to the past, we would have reason to be insecure about our effective association to his sacrifice. (...) However , the reality is more beautiful than poetry fantasy. So that we were linked to the Holy Victim of our redemption without any sort of doubt, given the fact that we were not in the Calvary, the Calvary needed to come to us. This is the last word of divine love, the word that Jesus spoke just before going to death : "This is my body ... Do this in memory of me." The work of his supreme love, which anniversary we commemorate on Holy Thursday, is the Eucharist, that prolongs Jesus' sacrifice by means of the institution of the priesthood. Through this visible sign of his real presence, Jesus extends the Calvary to all times and all places, continuing, perpetuating and universalizing the saving act of his Sacrifice, to which we are united in the closest way.
Si la missa fos un simple memorial tindriem la certesa que Jesús ens pren en l'acte del seu sacrifici? Si el calvari pertanyés solsament al passat, tindriem raó d'estar insegurs d'haver estats associats al seu sacrifici. (...) Això no obstant, la realitat és més bella que les invencions de la poesia. Per tal que fossim units sense cap mena de dubte a la Víctima Santa de la nostra redempció, ja que nosaltres no vam ser al Calvari, feia falta que el Calvari vingués a nosaltres. Aquesta és l'última paraula de l'amor diví, la paraula que Jesús va pronunciar just abans de d'anar a la mort: "Això és el meu cos... Feu això en record meu". L'obra suprema del seu amor, de la que commemmorem l'aniversari el dijous Sant, és l'Eucaristia, que perllonga el sacrisfici de Jesús per la institució del sacerdoci. Per aquest signe visible de la seva presència real, Jesús estén el Calvari a tots els temps i a tot arreu. Així coninua, perpetua, universalitza l'acte salvador del seu sacrifici i ens hi associa de la manera més estreta.
(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 146-147, Bloud & Gay)
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