They are self-sufficient
They are not bad - they excuse themselves - those who refused to participate in the feast of the Lord. If, at least, they thought to be, you could rely on their conversion, but they are autonomous, self-sufficient, that's all. Earth makes them happy enough, and their fate satisfies them. If, only for a moment, they had forgotten about themselves, they would have believed in the love of the Master who invited them, and they would have appreciated his gesture of love. They would have understood their need of Him, and then, they would have been anxious to receive his gifts and to show him their gratitude.
The more we believe in ourselves, the less we will believe in Him. The more happy we are of ourselves, the less we will think we need God.
No són pas dolents - s'excusen ells - els que han rebutjat participar en el banquet del Senyor. Almenys si pensessin ser-ho, es podria confiar en la seva conversió. Són autònoms, autosuficients, això és tot. La terra els contenta, la seva sort els satisfà. Si s'haguessin oblidat d'ells durant uns moments, haurien cregut en l'amor del Mestre que els invitava, haurien apreciat aquest gest d'amor, i haurien comprès la necessitat que tenen d'Ell, s'haurien mostrat inquiets per rebre els seus dons i de demostrar-li la seva gratitud.
Com més creurem en nosaltres, menys creurem en Ell. Com més contents estarem de nosaltres mateixos, menys pensarem tenir necessitat d'Ell.
(Georges Chevrot: Le Temps de l'Eglise, p.143, Bonne Presse)
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