Forms of Christian charity
Knowing the vast number of sufferings our brothers go through, our luck may surprise us, and even reproach us. Neither our consciousness nor our hearts can rest easy until we have participated in their misfortune, until we have given them part of our happiness. And any way our compassion should express, whether as a material gift, our time, our friendship... all these forms of Christian charity will be a work of fraternal righteousness.
Davant la quantitat de dolors que sofreixen tants germans nostres, la nostra sort ens pot sorprendre i acusar-nos com un retret. Ni la nostra consciència ni el nostre cor podran estar tranquils mentre no haguem participat de la seva desgràcia, mentre no els haguem donat part de la nostra felicitat. I qualsevol manera en que es manifesti la nostra compassió, ja sigui com a do material, del nostre temps, de la nostra amistat, totes aquestes formes d'almoina cristiana seran una obra de justicia fraterna.
(Georges Chevrot: En lo secreto, p. 50-51, Patmos)
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