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Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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divendres, 4 de juliol del 2014

When we admire others

English Just as denigration is always accompanied by wicked pleasures,  it is impossible, that when we sincerely admire our brothers we do not experience peace and joy. No matter who we admire, the wise, the artist, the good man, feeling so little compared to those who seem to be so much above us,  at least, somehow,  we will feel that they let us be part of their perfection, communicating us something of their force of spirit, of their profound sensitivity and the strength of their soul.

  Així com la denigració va sempre acompanyada de gaudis malvats, és impossible, en canvi, que quan admirem sincerament als nostres germans no experimentem benestar i pau. Tan se val qui sigui a qui admirem, el savi, l'artista, l'home de bé, sentint-nos poca cosa al seu costat de tant que ens superen, almenys ens sentirem d'alguna manera que ens fan participar de la seva perfecció, i que ens comuniquen quelcom del seu vigor d'esperit, de la seva profunda sensibilitat o de la força de la seva ànima.

(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 62, Bloud & Gay)

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