When you say "Our Father!" certainly you pray for those whom you love, but also for those who do not love you or even have done you wrong, and without them knowing it, your prayer can grant them the grace of repentance. You pray for all sinners, both, those who groan under the weight of their weakness or those who have fallen into a discouragement produced by his continual relapses, as well as for those inveterate who insist on not admitting their guilt. And you attract our Father's mercy not only on your needs, which are insignificant, lost among the mass of human suffering and distress... Come to Him! laden with the immense needs of the world... Alone, before God, you are the delegates of the whole Church interceding for all mankind.
Quan dieu "Pare nostre!", certament pregueu per aquells a qui estimeu, però també per aquells que no us estimen o us han fet mal, i, sense que ells ho sàpiguen, la vostra oració els disposa per rebre la gràcia del penediment. Pregueu per tots els pecadors, tant pels que gemeguen sota el pes de la seva debilitat o han caigut en el descoratjament produit per les seves continues recaigudes, com per aquells empedernits que s'obstinen en no reconèixer la seva culpabilitat. No atraieu la pietat del nostre Pare només sobre les vostres necessitats, que resulten insignificants, perdudes entre la massa d'angoixes i patiments humans; veniu a Ell carregats amb les immenses necessitats del món sencer. Sols, davant Déu, sou els delegats de tota l'Església. Intercediu per tot el gènere humà.
(Georges Chevrot: En lo secreto, p. 128, Patmos)
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