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Georges Chevrot
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divendres, 4 de juliol del 2014

Our unpardonable carelessness

English If the prophets and patriarchs came back, they woud remain stupefied to find  the unpardonable carelessness of the contemporary world regarding our Savior, and would use again the harsh violence in their language to accuse us: "So, you've forgotten the One  who we desired so much? You love him less than we did, we,  who could not even see him or listen to him!  Don't you care to get to know him more? don't you feel the anxiety to make him known? Aren't you interested in his Will, his love, or his glory? How blinded you must be to be unable to discover a grace which was not granted to us!  We, we lived in hope, but now that this hope has come true, why don't your hearts burn with love ?

 Si els profetes i els patriarques tornessin, restarien estupefactes en constatar l'imperdonable despreocupació del món contemporani respecte del nostre Salvador, i reprendrien l'aspre violència del seu llenguatge per acusar-nos: "Així doncs, heu oblidat aquell a qui tant haviem desitjat? L'estimeu menys que nosaltres que ni tan sols el varem veure ni escoltar! No us preocupeu per conèixer-lo més? no sentiu el neguit de fer-lo conèixer? No us interessa la seva voluntat, ni el seu amor, ni la seva glòria? Tan encegats esteu que sou incapaços de descobrir la gràcia que no ens va ser concedida a nosaltres? Nosaltres, nosaltres viviem d'esperança; i arà que aquesta s'ha realitzat, com és que el vostre cor no crema d'amor?

(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 28, Bloud & Gay)

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