When we contemplate ourselves
A housewife could never get any sewing work done, and neither would the craftsman get any task accomplished if they kept looking in a mirror their movements, directing their attention on themselves: this would divert their work and the end result would be wrong. Similarly, when we contemplate ourselves doing good, inevitably we do it worse, because we no longer contemplate the good we do, but ourselves.
Una mestressa de casa mai podria realitzar una labor de costura, ni un artesà cap tasca del seu ofici, si observés els seus gestos en un mirall, ja que posant la seva atenció en ells, la desviaria del seu treball i aquest resultaria mal fet. De la mateixa manera, quan ens contemplem fent el bé, inevitablement ho fem pitjor: ja que el que contemplarem no serà el bé que fem, sinó a nosaltres mateixos.
(Georges Chevrot: En lo secreto, p. 38-39, Patmos)
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