The way that leads to the new life
Christians! do not yield to the thought that one more Lent will not teach you anything that yo do not already know. Just listen to the voice of the Church. Let it take you through the way that leads to the new life that Jesus has taken before us. Look at it, listen to it, and you will be able to follow it. Do not say "no" to what you will feel you should do to follow it during these forty days. Do not look too far beyond nor to high above you, but advance slowly, step by step. St. Augustine tells us three conditions for progress in following Jesus: not stopping, not going back, not getting out of the way. And still he adds a reflection that may comfort us in our slowness: "You will go faster limping on the road than running out of the way."
Cristians! no cediu al pensament que una altra quaresma no us ensenyarà res que ja no sapigueu. Escolteu simplement la veu de l'Església. Deixeu que us condueixi pel camí que mena a la vida nova, aquell que Jesús ha pres abans que nosaltres. Mireu-lo, escolteu-lo i el podreu seguir. No digueu que no a allò que us demanarà durant aquests quaranta dies. No mireu massa lluny enllà ni massa enlaire per sobre de vosaltres. Avanceu pas a pas. Sant Agustí ens indica tres condicions de progrés en el seguiment de Jesús: no parar-se, no retrocedir, no sortir del camí. I encara afegeix aquesta reflexió que ens pot ser consol en la nostra lentitud: "Es va més depressa coixejant pel camí que corrent fora del camí".
(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 88, Bloud & Gay)
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