Blog presentation

Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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divendres, 4 de juliol del 2014

He knows when we suffer

English Let us look Jesus behind our sufferings, not in front, as we often do blaming God for sending them to us. Too often, we will not need to look so high to find the cause of our sufferings, because they are simply consequence of our carelessness, our negligences, our human faults, either ours or someone else's. Let us not say "God makes us suffer", instead let us be sure He knows when we suffer and He is with us to help us carry our pain and to make it the point of a moral recovery and of a spiritual progress. He gave us his son, which cross outlines all our sufferings.

  Mirem a Jesús darrera dels nostres sofriments, no pas al davant, com sovint fem culpant a Déu d'haver-nos-los enviat. Sovint, no caldrà buscar tant amunt la causa dels nostres patiments, ja que son simplement conseqüència de les nostres imprudències, negligències, faltes humanes, ja siguin nostres  o d'altres. No diguem que Déu ens fa sofrir, però estiguem-ne segurs, Ell sap que sofrim, i està al nostre costat per ajudar-nos a portar el nostre dolor i per fer-ne el punt de partida d'un redreçament moral o d'un progrés espiritual. Ens ha donat el seu fill, la creu del qual es perfila darrera tots els nostres sofriments.

(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 22, Bloud & Gay)

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