If we loved God and men with a sincere heart, we would never be happy enough, we would never think to have done enough to serve them. Don’t you discover here the secret of perfection? The one who loves has the need to always prove it, more and better. Thus, the faithful Christian progresses steadily toward holiness, without ever thinking to have achieved it, since he knows he is supposed to improve his life, indefinitely.
The law of love, that's the evangelical law: The perfect law already seen throgh shadows by the prophets and which Jesus came to record, not on tablets of stone but in our hearts of flesh.
Si estiméssim a Déu i als homes amb un cor sincer, mai estaríem prou contents, mai pensaríem haver fet suficient per servir-los. No descobriu aquí el secret de la perfecció ? Aquell qui estima té la necessitat de demostrar-ho sempre, més i millor. Així el cristià fidel progressa sense pausa vers la santedat, sense mai pensar-se haver-la assolida, ja que se sap fet per superar-se una vegada i una altra, indefinidament.
La llei de l'amor, heus aquí la llei evangèlica: la llei perfecte entrevista ja pels profetes i que Jesús va venir a gravar, no pas sobre taules de pedra, sinó en els nostres cors de carn.
(Et moi, je vous dis... p.36, Bloud & Gay )
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