Human nature
If human nature was powerless to fulfill the duty, we would be victims of an ominous determinism: We would no longer be children, but slaves condemned to an undeserved punishment. And if nature was rebellious, it could only lead us to be conscious and freely, culprits! But this is not true, we know that we can love God and want what is good!
Si la naturalesa humana fos impotent per complir el deure, seriem víctimes d'un determinisme, nefast : Ja no seriem fills, sinó esclaus condemnats a un immerescut suplici. I si la natualesa fos rebel, només podria portar-nos a ser, conscient i lliurement, culpables! Però no és veritat, sabem que podem estimar a Déu, i voler el bé!
( Gerges Chevrot : El pozo de Sicar, p. 93, Patmos )
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