You have forgotten his offence
God forgives us without rumble, in the depths of our consciousness: the forgiveness of men should be discreet and delicate as well. Go look for your brother! without any witnesses that may cause any harm. He, in public, would try to justify himself, poisoning the conflict. "Scold" him. Admire the force of this word. Hold him tight, because he is about to slip into evil. Pick him up again because he feels shame and contempt. You have forgotten his offence. Now, there is no offender, and no victim either. Neither one of you were defeated by yesterday's quarrel. You overcame evil with good; and he is restored to his own eyes. You won your brother, just as the Father of the prodigal son who recovered the son he had lost.
Déu ens perdona sense estrèpit, en el més íntim de la nostra consciència: el perdó dels homes ha de ser discret i delicat. Ves a buscar el teu germà, sense testimonis que li puguin causar cap mal. Ell, en públic, intentaria justificar-se i el conflicte s'enverineria. "Repren-lo". Admireu el vigor d'aquesta paraula. Torna a subjectar-lo, que està apunt de relliscar cap al mal. Torna a aixecar-lo, ja que té vergonya i es sent menyspreuat. Tu has oblidat la seva injuria; ja no hi ha, doncs, ofès ni ofensor. De la querella d'ahir, cap dels dos en surt vençut. Tu, has triomfat del mal per el bé; i ell, està rehabilitat als seus propis ulls. T'has guanyat el teu germà, talment el Pare del fill pròdig va recuperar el fill que havia perdut.
(Georges Chevrot: En lo secreto, p.204, Patmos)
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