The enigma of our sufferings
Christians who suffer! Gospel offers you as comfort in your great pain, the example of Jesus. Our Savior did not have to explain the enigma of our sufferings, because he had come to share them, even in what they have of injustice and incomprehensibility. But he taught us to obey until death, and a death of cross. Long before us, He already said: "- Not my will, Father, but yours."
Cristians que sofriu! l'Evangeli us ofereix per consol de la vostra gran pena, l'exemple de Jesús. El nostre Salvador no havia d'explicar-nos l'enigma dels nostres sofriments, ja que ell havia vingut a compartir-los, fins i tot en allò que tenen d'injust i d'incomprensible. Però ens va ensenyar a obeir fins a la mort, i mort de creu. I molt abans que nosaltres, Ell ja va dir: " - Que no es faci la meva voluntat, Pare, sinó la teva."
(Georges Chevrot: En lo secreto, p.175, Patmos)
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