Where love can grow
All those who have known the doctrine of Christ, know that sincere love for others is opposed to lying, theft, hate, adultery, and generally to anything that is, or causes, an injustice! could you be benevolent without being sweet, patient and humble? What good would you do to others if you were not laborious, brave, strong? You can not devote yourself to the suffering and misery of your brothers without self-denial or self-mastery; the voluptuous, however, only looks at himself, even when he thinks he loves. In conclusion, our love towards our brothers can not grow if it is not on the ruins of selfishness, principle of all our sins.
Tots els qui han conegut la doctrina de Jesucrist, saben que l'amor sincer pels altres s'oposa a la mentida, al robatori, a l'odi, a l'adulteri i generalment a tot allò que constitueix o provoca una injusticia! Podrieu ser benèvols sense ser alhora dolços, pacients i humils? Quin bé farieu als altres si no fossiu laboriosos, coratjosos, forts? Dedicar-se als patiments i misèries dels nostres germans no pot fer-se sense abnegació ni domini d'un mateix, el voluptuós, per contra, només es buca a ell mateix, fins i tot quan es pensa estimar. En conclusió, l'amor als nostres germans no pot créixer si no és sobre les ruïnes de l'egoisme, principi de tots els nostres pecats.
(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 132-133, Bloud & Gay)
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