The only remedy against sin
It is always difficult to understand that sacrifice is the only remedy against sin and the necessary condition of all virtue. And we are always in a hurry to acquire virtue. But, as soon as we get on our way, we would like to be there. It is hard to accept that the path that will raise us, is always filled with disappointments, failures and sufferings. If we take the slope of our nature, we would like victory without fighting, reward without work, and progress without effort. However, to live the new life, we must first suffer and die.
Sempre ens costa comprendre que el sacrifici és l'únic remei eficaç contra el pecat i la condició necessària de tota virtud. I tenim pressa per ser virtuosos; però tot just ens posem en marxa que ja voldriem haver arrivat. Ens costa acceptar que el camí que ens eleva normalment el formen tota una rècula de decepcions, fracassos i patiments. Portats de la nostra naturalesa, voldriem la victòria sense la lluita, la recompensa sense el treball, el progrés sense l'esforç. Això no obstant, per viure la vida nova, cal primer sofrir i morir.
(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 86, Bloud & Gay)
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