A religion separated from life
The catholic who "goes to Mass" and in his behavior at home and in his actions, while searching his profits or struggling to meet his ambitions, whether in his readings or his entertainments, in his prejudices or in his procedures, can not be distinguished from someone who has neither faith nor piety, he has put religion aside his life. He may profess the tenets of catholicism, but he has freed himself from the severe requirements of the morality of Christ. Perhaps he thinks in christian (it is not sure), but he operates as a pagan. The proof is that if he suddently left religious practice, his life would not change at all, but he would rather continue living as he did when he "believed." Jesus does not endorse a sterile religion without influence in our lives. The salt that is no longer used for salting is not good at all: it is thrown out and trampled by passers.
El catòlic que "va a missa" i que, en la seva conducta a la llar i en els seus afers, en la cerca de beneficis i en la lluita per a satisfer les seves ambicions, en les seves lectures i entreteniments, en els seus prejudicis i en les seves accions no es distingeix en res de qui no té fe ni pietat, és que ha posat la religió a banda de la seva vida. Professa els dogmes del catolicisme, però s'allibera de les severes exigències de la moral de Crist. Potser pensa en cristià (no és pas segur), però actua com a pagà. La prova està en que si de sobte abandonés la pràctica religiosa, la seva vida no canviaria en res; continuaria vivint com quan "creia". Jesús no aprova una religió estèril sense influència en la pròpia vida. La sal que ja no serveix per salar no és bona per res: es llença fora i la trepitgen els transeünts.
(Georges Chevrot: Dans le silence, p. 119-120, Bloud & Gay)
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