The Mass they often miss
Some baptized Catholics, seem to prefer processors and pilgrimages, all kinds of expressions of faith, where they can show or feel more involved, to the Mass, which they often miss, or attend with absolute indifference. However, the religosity of a Christian is never so real, so full, and so effective as when he takes part of the Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass, intimately united to the Saviour: from The "Hosanna " of Palm, to the "It is finished (consummatum est)" of the Calvary.
Alguns d'entre nosaltres, catòlics batejats, semblen preferir processors i pelegrinatges, tot tipus de manifestacions de fe on es puguin mostrar o sentir més participatius, a la missa, a la que sovint falten o a la que assiteixen amb absoluta indiferència. I en canvi, la religiositat d'un cristià mai és tant real, tant completa, ni tant eficaç com quan participa de la pregària eucarística de la missa, íntimament unit al Salvador, des de l'Hosanna de Rams fins al "tot s'ha acomplert (Consummatum est)" del Calvari.
(Georges Chevrot: Notre Messe, 150, Desclée de Brouwer)
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