The Gospel in front of us
There comes a time when people of good faith recognize that the Gospel, which they believed to be passed, it is not behind them, but in front, as an ideal that still has not been reached, and it is only realizable with faith in the person of Jesus Christ, and with submission to his commandments. It is through these unexpected paths that Christianity is spreading in the world, penetrating "one by one, every individual conscience" without noise, without bursting, and despite wars, revolutions, and the upheavals of our planet.
Ve l'hora en la que els homes de bona fe reconeixen que l'Evangeli, el qual ja creien superat, no ha quedat enrere, sinó que els va al davant, com un ideal que encara no han assolit i que només és realitzable per la fe en la persona de Jesucrist i el sotmetiment als seus manaments. És per aquests camins insospitats que el cristianisme es propaga en el món, penetrant "una a una, les conciències individuals", sense soroll, sense esclat, malgrat les guerres, les revolucions i les agitacions del nostre planeta.
(Georges Chevrot: "Sous le figuier", 28, éditions de l'orante)
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