Blog presentation

Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
English seorimícuaro French cartas de amistad German documental Spain cartas de presentación Italian xo Dutch películas un link Russian Portuguese Japanese Korean Arabic Chinese Simplified

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


English In the midst of the pagan world and in time of persecussions, it was the altar of the holy sacrifice where Christians drew strength from, to lead a holy life and to have the courage of martyrdom. They could not live without the Mass, the "dominicum" as they familiarly called it (...) 

In 304, Carthage, on a Sunday, a group of Christians were surprised celebrating their Mass in the house of Emeritus, alogn with other twenty-six men, four children, and eighteen women. While  interrogated, Emeritus gave the answer that led him to death: "I could not forbid my brothers to come home, I cannot, we can not live without the "dominicum "! 

 Enmig del món pagà i en temps de persecussions dels emperadors, és a l'altar del sant sacrifici d'on els cristians treien la força d'una vida santa i el coratge del martiri. No podien viure sense la missa, el "dominicum" com l'anomenaven familiarment(...)

L'any 304, a Cartago, en diumenge, un grup de cristians varen ser sorpresos celebrant el diumenge a casa d'Emeritus, amb altres vint-i-sis homes, divuit dones i quatre nens. Torturats i interrogats, Emeritus va donar la resposta que el va conduir al suplici: "Jo no podia prohibir als meus germans entrar a casa meva! Jo no puc, nosaltres no podem viure sense el "dominicum"! 

(Georges Chevrot:  Notre Messe, 228, Desclée de Brouwer) 

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