They were not willing to believe in Him
Having rejected all the suggestions they received from the Saviour, having denied the proofs he had given them about his divine mission, and finally having sinned against the Light, they got blinded inevitably... That is why the Lord did not want to come down from the Cross in orther that his enemies could "see and believe"; and neither did He after his resurrection: they simply were not willing to believe in Him.
Havent rebutjat tots els suggeriments que van rebre del Senyor , havent negat les proves que els havia donat sobre la seva missió divina, havent pecat contra la Llum, s'havien encegat irremissiblement... Per aquesta raó el Senyor no va voler baixar de la Creu a fi que els seus enemics "veiessin i creguessin", ni tampoc després de la resurrecció va voler mostrar-se'ls: no estaven disposats a creure en Ell
(Georges Chevrot: "La Victoria de la Pascua", 38-39, Ediciones Palabra)
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