In front of the tabernacle
The Eucharist is the sacrament of our redemption, the sign by which its fruits are applied to us. When we kneel before the tabernacle, we adore Jesus present and acting in the same state as when he was on the cross, suffering to atone for our sins, dying to rescue us from death, offering himself to his Father and offering his Church with him. Before the tabernacle, we are with Jesus in the Calvary, with all humanity redeemed by Him.
L'Eucaristia és el sagrament de la nostra redempció, el signe pel qual se'ns apliquen els fruits. Quan ens agenollem davant el sagrari, adorem Jesús present i actuant, en el mateix estat que quan estava a la creu, sofrint per expiar els nostres pecats, morint per rescatar-nos de la mort, oferint-se al seu Pare i oferint amb Ell la seva Església. Davant el tabernacle, som al Calvari amb Jesús, amb tota la humanitat rescatada per Ell.
(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Eglise, p.60, Bonne Presse)
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