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Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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diumenge, 30 de juny del 2013

Get in you way!

EnglishJesus explains his Father's Will: "Go all the ways, along the paths, and to all the unfortunate you will find widespread, lying along fences, make them come to my house and fill it!" How easy to imagine the disbelief of those unhappy who never would have expected such an invitation: "It can't be! You're laughing at us. Your master will not be sitting at his table next to us, with ragged costumes!" It is also easy to guess the response of the server : "Certainly your dress isn't the appropiate, but I have orders to accompany you there, and if I don't, then, I will have to endure the wrath of my master. Believe me! you have never participated in a meal as the one that's awaiting you! So bless your luck and get in your way! "And all, limping, followed the step ofthe server all the way to the master's home.

  Jesús explica la voluntat del seu Pare: "Aneu pels camins, i tots els desgraciats que hi trobeu estesos arran les tanques, feu-los entrar a casa meva fins omplir-la!" Que fàcil resulta imaginar la incredulitat d'quella gent desgraciada que mai haurien esperat aquella invitació: "No pot ser! T'estàs rient de nosaltres. El teu mestre no ens farà seure a la seva taula coberts de parracs!" També és fàcil endevinar la resposta del servidor :"Certament, no aneu d'etiqueta, però tinc ordres d'acompanyar-vos-hi: si no, hauré d'aguantar la ira del meu mestre. Creieu-me, mai heu participat en un àpat com el que us espera. Beneiu més aviat la vostra sort, i poseu-vos en camí!" I tots, coixejant, van anar darrera el pas del servidor fins a la casa del  mestre.

(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Eglise, p.147, Bonne Presse)

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