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Blog presentation
Georges Chevrot
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dissabte, 22 de juny del 2013

We have the need to be defended

English Our testimony shouldn't make us act as lawyers of Jesus Christ. He does not need to be defended; it is our weakness that is in need to be defended, and that is why Jesus promised us a defender (the Holy Spirit). It is not our task to judge the malice of the enemies of the Gospel: a witness should not act as a judge. Our testimony will be authentic if we prove with our actions rather than with our words, that Jesus lives in us, and that we're being moved by his Spirit to continue his work on earth.

  El nostre testimoniatge no ha de consistir en fer-nos advocats de Jesucrist. Ell no necessita pas que el defensem; som nosaltres que tenim necessitat de ser defensats de la nostra feblesa, i per això Jesús ens va prometre un defensor (l'Esperit Sant). No hem pas de jutjar la malicia dels adversaris de l'Evangeli : un testimoni no ha d'actuar de jutge. Serem testimonis autèntics demostrant amb els nostres actes més que amb les nostres paraules, que Jesús viu en nosaltres, que estem animats del seu Esperit, i que continuem la seva obra sobre la terra. 

(Georges Chevrot: Le temps de l'Esglise, p.36-37, Bonnne Presse)

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